Speaker Mike Johnson Hosts Israeli Knesset Speaker And Hostage Families Amid Hamas Crisis

Speaker Mike Johnson hosted Amir Ohana, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Michael Herzog, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, and family members of hostages being held captive by Hamas on Tuesday.

Speaker Mike Johnson delivered a speech condemning recent Hamas attacks and reaffirming unwavering support for Israel. “Israel is America’s closest ally and best friend in the Middle East, and when you threaten Israel: you threaten freedom itself,” he stated.

Johnson lamented what he perceived as a lack of leadership in the White House and criticized efforts to weaken support for Israel.

“Freedom always wins. However, victory requires men and women to stand for what is right. And right now, sadly, we’re seeing an absence of leadership in the White House.”

He announced a new aid package to bolster Israel’s defense against Middle Eastern adversaries, the stand alone bill President Biden promised to veto if arrives to his desk

“There’s no time for hesitation. History beckons us to act boldly and decisively to defend Israel and our own citizens.”