A Closer Look At What Biden Said About Special Counsel Report Findings At House Democratic Caucus Conference

At the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference held in Leesburg, VA earlier this week, President Biden gave a speech on Friday addressing the Special Counsel Report and what the Democratic Party has been able to accomplish.

Robert K. Hurr, special counsel, released a report on Thursday stating that President Joe Biden did willfully retain documents from his vice presidency under Obama, but Hurr concluded that “no criminal charges are warranted” as it would be hard to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury. Biden was pleased with this outcome and said, “They reached a conclusion I believed and knew all along they would.”

The president reminded the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference that he cooperated with the investigation, including providing the Special Counsel with a five-hour in-person interview while he was in the middle of handling an international crisis when Hamas attacked Israel.

Biden was glad that Hurr differentiated between this case and the Trump document case.

“As the Special Counsel wrote, and I quote, ‘Several material distinctions between Mr. Trump’s case and Mr. Biden’s are clear.’ And, by the way, this is a Republican counsel. ‘Most notably, after given multiple chances’ — this is a continuation of the quote — ‘he returned classified documents and avoided — to avoid — and avoided prosecution. Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite,” said Biden.

“The bottom line is the Special Counsel, in my case, decided against moving forward with any charges, and this matter is now closed,” said Biden.

The President proceeded to discuss his presidency and how he’s been focused on his job, and all that House Democrats have been able to accomplish.

He reminded House Democrats how they’ve been able to deliver “historic results for the American people,” and he referenced what Hakeem Jeffries, Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, spoke of earlier at the conference.

“Hakeem just mentioned many of those accomplishments: vaccinating America, rebuilding America, bringing prices down, and delivering every day for everyday Americans,” said Biden.

Biden addressed the progress of the Democratic Party making the biggest corporations “pay their fair share,” and compares it to the Republican policies that we’re attempting to stop this. He proceeded to remind the audience of the “50 corporations that didn’t pay a penny in taxes, made $40 billion.” Now they’re paying a 15 percent corporate tax, which has helped pay for “historic investments” and “reduced the federal deficit.”

“Finishing the job” is the point Biden kept repeating throughout his speech, and this included getting rid of Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut, which has benefited the super-wealthy and biggest corporations.

“Gutting the Trump tax cuts, closing the loophole for billionaire minimum tax,” said Biden.

Another goal Biden set is “beating Big Pharma” by lowering prescription costs, which the administration has been able to start doing by lowering insulin cost to $35. This has saved Americans a substantial amount of money and has saved the taxpayer $160 billion and reduced the debt by $160 billion.

“I mean, we — the things we’re doing not only help people, but they’re reducing the deficit under good economic policy because Medicare doesn’t have to pay those exorbitant prices,” said Biden.

Biden states that “finishing the job” means passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, making Roe v. Wade the law of the land, beating the NRA by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, working towards mitigating climate change, and updating infrastructure.

“We’re investing in America. We’re bringing back pride to communities, pride in our country,” said Biden.