Biden: Trump's Pledge To Abandon NATO Allies A Threat To Democracy

President Joe Biden is issuing a response to former President Trump’s remarks during his rally in South Carolina about the US coming to defense to any those NATO member states who pay 2% of their GDP to military spending. Trump said that he would in fact encourage Russia to attack NATO allies who do not pay their 2% share.

“Under my administration, the United States of America has stood shoulder to shoulder with our allies to build a NATO alliance that is bigger and stronger than ever and stands in defense of democracy against Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian aggression. America’s leadership on the world stage and support for our allies is critical to keeping the American people safe here at home,” said Biden.

On Saturday, Trump held a rally in Conway, South Carolina, where he discussed US foreign policy during his time he was in the White House. Recounting the conversation he had with one of the world leaders, Trump said, “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’,” said Trump. “No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.”

Biden responded in his statement, “If my opponent, Donald Trump, is able to regain power, he is making it clear as day that he will abandon our NATO allies if Russia attacks and allow Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” with them.”

‌Biden outlined the consequences of another Trump presidency reminding Americans that being in the executive office is the “ultimate” responsibility.

“Serving as Commander-in-Chief is the ultimate responsibility and one that should weigh heavily on the individuals that hold this office. Donald Trump’s admission that he intends to give Putin a greenlight for more war and violence, to continue his brutal assault against a free Ukraine, and to expand his aggression to the people of Poland and the Baltic States are appalling and dangerous,” said Biden.

“Sadly, they are also predictable coming from a man who is promising to rule as a dictator like the ones he praises on day one if he returns to the oval office.”

‌Biden stated that “freedom and democracy” are on the ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

“As you’ve heard me say, freedom and democracy itself are on the ballot in November, and I am running for reelection to make sure that they endure,” said Biden.