Taylor Swift Election Conspiracy: 1 In 5 Americans Buy Into Allegations, Monmouth Survey Shows

A Monmouth University Poll reports that nearly one in five Americans believe the singer Taylor Swift is part of a conspiracy to help President Joe Biden win the 2024 election. Forty-six percent of Americans have heard about this alleged covert effort to help the incumbent president win, and 18% believe it to be true.

The majority of pollsters, 71%, who believed in the Swift conspiracy leaned toward the Republican Party, and 83% plan to vote for former President Donald J. Trump in November. A portion of the pollsters, 42%, haven’t heard of the conspiracy before engaging in this survey.

“The supposed Taylor Swift psyop conspiracy has legs among a decent number of Trump supporters. Even many who hadn’t heard about it before we polled them accept the idea as credible. Welcome to the 2024 election,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

In spite of these statistics, 2 in 3 Americans approve of Swift encouraging voter turnout. Sixty-eight percent of pollsters support Swift’s actions. “However, Republicans (42%) are much less supportive than Democrats (88%) and independents (71%) of these turnout efforts,” the Monmouth University Poll reported.

The Monmouth University Poll interviewed 902 adults in the United States and was conducted by telephone from February 8 to 12, 2024. The margin of error of +/- 4.1 percentage points.