Vakil slams Govt for failure to clear snowfall from roads in Rafiabad


J&K Peoples Conference Senior Vice President and former Minister, Abdul Gani Vakil, expressed deep concern today over the plight of residents in various villages of Rafiabad due to heavy snowfall. Vakil, during his visit to villages such as Rawoocha, Behrampora, and Nathipora, highlighted the severe challenges faced by the community, exacerbated by the administration’s failure to clear snow from connecting roads.

Regrettably, Vakil was unable to reach several villages including Hamam Markoot, Doniwari, Keterdaji, Kutru Naribal, Bramen, and Rampor Rajpor due to impassable roads. He criticized the apparent absence of the administration during this critical period of distress caused by heavy snowfall, emphasizing the inadequate preparations made by the government despite their claims of readiness.

The ongoing snowfall has resulted in significant hardships for the residents, particularly those in the upper reaches of Rafiabad and Sopore. Vakil highlighted the widespread power breakdowns, road blockades, and scarcity of drinking water, further exacerbating the suffering of the already vulnerable population.

In light of these challenges, Vakil urged the authorities to take immediate action to alleviate the suffering of the affected communities and to ensure the timely clearance of snow from roads to facilitate access to essential services.