Gross reason why you should never go to bed with wet hair

Going to bed with wet hair is something we’ve all done. Sometimes you have a quick shower late at night and just can’t be bothered to get the hairdryer out.

However, you’ll definitely think twice from now on because there’s a really gross reason why you should NEVER go to sleep with damp locks.

Wet hair mean hair is totally soaked through with water.

Why you should never go to bed with wet hair

Rex Isap, bed expert and CEO at Happy Beds told The Focusthatgoing to bed with wet hair creates the perfect breeding ground for mites. Yuck!

“Going to bed with wet hair can be tempting, particularly after a long day and if you have hair that can take an age to dry,” he said. “However, we would always recommend that you avoid doing so, not only because it can damage your hair and pillow but also creates an ideal home for mites.”

He explained that dust mites actively look for warm and humid environments, so your wet pillow is an “ideal home for them to settle and breed” – especially if you repeatedly go to bed with damp hair and do not allow your pillow to air out properly.

Dust mites are tiny, insect-like pests that feed on dead human skin cells and thrive in warm, humid areas of the home, like bedding, carpets, soft furnishings and clothing. They don’t bite people, but can cause allergic reactions and rashes.

Sunlight falling across unmade bed with a white wrinkled bed linen in a bedroom in the morning. Credit: Olga Dobrovolska (Getty Images)

Health risks of sleeping with damp hair

Dr. Hana Patel, NHS GP and GP Medico-Legal Expert Witness told The Focus that sleeping with damp hair could also pose some health risks.

She said it can potentially lead to “bacterial and fungal infections” and cause skin irritation which “may make your scalp itchy”.

“Warm and damp environments, such as a pillow in contact with a person’s wet hair, may also lead to infections on the scalp or face,” Patel added.

However, she confirmed that sleeping with wet hair “does not increase the risk of becoming sick” – a myth that’s been around for decades.

Mattress cleaning using a vacuum cleaner. Credit: Photographer, Basak Gurbuz Derman (Getty Images)

More gross things lurking in your bed

As well as mites, Isap said you need to be aware of bed bugs and bacteria which could be lurking in your headboard, pillow or mattress.

Bed bugs are small insects that often live on furniture or bedding and feed on human blood. However, they aren’t caused by moisture like mites. They are attracted to human blood, which causes them to enter our homes and hide in dark places until it is safe to come out and feed – aka bite you.

Sweat from your face and neck can also make its way to your headboard, creating a perfect environment for fungi and other bacteria to thrive. The same thing occurs when you drool onto your pillow in the night too, and this continued moisture can lead to bacteria build-up.

To avoid all of these gross things, it’s best to avoid leaning against your headboard or pillow with wet hair at all, even in the daytime. Also, make sure to wash your bedding once a week, air out your mattress, replace your pillow every two years and regularly clean your headboard.

One great way to ensure proper bedroom cleanliness is by doing a Sunday Reset, which involves deep cleaning your room every week in preparation for the week ahead.