Hints from Heloise: Tips on how to be a good guest, brewing a better cup of coffee and more

(ONE-DESIGN USE LICENSE, CANVA, March 13, 2024) Heloise shares a tip on brewing a better cup of coffee


Dear Heloise: We have an extended family and a large home. I love having family stop by and come for a visit, but I’ve noticed that they seem to think all the work is on me. I know most of them read your column faithfully, so I was hoping you might drop a hint or two on how to behave while visiting someone else’s home. -- Samantha C., Charleston, South Carolina

Samantha, I love having company, too, but like you, I want them to remember that I’m their host, not their slave. So, here are my hints for being a good guest:

  • Ask your host what is the best time for your arrival.
  • Arrive with a small gift and send a thank-you note or message once you arrive back home.
  • Offer to help your host with dinner, errands or cleaning up. Keep the room where you stay picked up and neat.
  • Respect your host’s privacy by giving them some alone time. They aren’t there to entertain you 24/7. Bring a book to read or go exploring in the area.
  • Offer to take the host out to dinner or make dinner for them. But if you make dinner, make sure to clean as you go. Don’t leave them with a mess to clean up.
  • Be respectful of the time your host goes to bed and gets up in the morning. They have a routine that they’re used to. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: My coffee comes out terrible. I’ve changed coffee brands, used cold tap water, used distilled water and measured my coffee grounds carefully. Yet I always get such a nasty bitter taste to my coffee. What am I doing wrong? -- Carol N., Sugar Land, Texas

Carol, are you cleaning your coffeepot carefully and using the right grind for your coffeepot? I’ve found that when coffee starts to taste a little “off,” it’s usually due to a buildup of coffee oils.

First, run white vinegar through the coffeepot to help get the oily buildup out of the inner workings of the pot. You might have to do this twice if you’ve never done it before. Afterward, run clean, clear water through your coffeemaker to get the vinegar taste out.

You can either run your coffeepot through the dishwasher or clean it by hand with warm water and mild soap. However, do not run the mechanical part of the coffeemaker through the dishwater -- just the pot where the coffee goes into. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: My husband and I live on a ranch out in the country. For this reason, we buy in bulk. I put items that can melt in plastic bags, but all of my other groceries are packed in paper bags. I make certain that those paper bags are recycled.

By using this method, we can take the items in plastic bags inside first and get them into the refrigerator. The other items in paper bags can wait. We also recommend that people use coolers with ice in them to carry meltable items if they are traveling a greater distance to and from the grocery store. -- Betty L., Medicine Bow, Wyoming


Dear Heloise: I usually make my own salad dressing with oil, vinegar and pressed garlic. But after a party with too much leftover dip, I added a spoonful of it to my dressing, which made for a yummy, creamy variation of my dressing. -- L.M., in West Virginia

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