Russia detains Crimean Tatar activist in Crimea

Edem Dudakov

According to him, after the search, Dudakov was taken to an FSB facility in Simferopol.

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The Ombudsman called on the international community to increase pressure on Moscow to stop human rights violations in occupied Crimea and release illegally detained Ukrainian citizens.

According to a correspondent of Crimean Solidarity news outlet, the search began early in the morning.

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"His wife gave him medicine and tea in a thermal flask [as he was being taken away],” the Facebook message said.

“He suffers from diabetes and hypertension. His family does not know Dudakov is accused of, but they have already applied for legal assistance."

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On Feb. 17, 2023, Russian law enforcement came to Dudakov's house to search it. At the time, the activist was accused of a hate crime.

Dudakov opposed the destruction of cultural heritage sites in the occupied Crimea, particularly the Khan's Palace, which the occupation “authorities” are "restoring."

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Section: Nation

Author: Іван Борисенко