You can have real-time Jam sessions on Spotify using only your computer

You don’t have to worry about switching between your mobile app and desktop while working and simultaneously jamming with fellow music lovers as Spotify has an exciting update.

Spotify announced on Thursday, March 14, that you can now Jam with your friends on desktop for a real-time listening experience by following a few easy steps.

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Spotify offers a real-time listening experience

Spotify introduced Jam in September last year, and until the recent update, the feature was only available for premium users on the mobile app.

It allows personalized real-time music sessions, where you can invite your friends to jam or join others’ sessions using a link or a QR code.

While jamming, users can add their favorite music to the playlists for everyone to listen to and even make changes to it.

Although Spotify Jam is a fun feature in itself, users are glad it has been made available on desktop, so they can tune in with their pals while using their computer for other tasks without having to go back to the mobile app.

Reacting to the latest update, one user said: “This is the greatest day of my life. They added Spotify Jam to the desktop.”

“I am so happy. I no longer have to start a Jam using my phone and then switching to the desktop and doublechecking with my friends that they can still hear the music,” said another.

“Spotify Jam is finally on Desktop. We cheered,” wrote a third one.

How to start Jam on the desktop app

You can start a Jam session on Spotify desktop by following a few simple steps:

  • Open a playlist or a song and click on the three dots on the top right.
  • From the right-click menu, select ‘Start a Jam’.
  • Select the ‘Invite’ button to copy the link to share with your friends or fellow Spotify users or use the QR code to invite someone to join the Jam session in person.
  • Spotify users with a premium subscription can join the jam remotely using the link, while free users can join you in person with the QR code but will have to listen on your speakers.