Dog disappears suddenly for 10 days until another pup comes to the rescue

A family dog was discovered underneath layers of freezing snow after disappearing over 10 days earlier.

Buried deep beneath the horrifying stories and even worse politicians, there are a few heartwarming pet stories that serve to remind us just how magical life can be. This is one of those stories.

Who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Credit: Faba-Photograhpy

Pepper, a 6-year-old Bernese and black labrador mix went missing from her home in Colorado on the morning of February 22. Her story was reported by the Summit Lost Pet Rescue on Facebook where they revealed the shocking lore behind Pepper’s recovery.

They explained: “The family called us a few hours later and our volunteers got to work with them. We sent them our standard search protocols- put out a scent station on their front porch (owner’s dirty clothes and dog bed), set up cameras, made social media posts to spread awareness, hung neon signs in the neighborhood, and boots on the ground search.

“Flyers were also made and handed out to the neighbors for them to check their garages, decks, tree wells, any place that she could be stuck. The snow is VERY deep down in Blue River with very high snowbanks.”

The experts knew that Pepper had most likely become stuck in the snow nearby, and so they spent most of their recovery time snowshoeing.

Pepper's Rescue Story!! Lost for 10 days! Pepper is a 6-year-old Bernese/black lab mix who went missing from her…

Posted by Summit Lost Pet Rescue, Inc. on Wednesday, March 6, 2024

They continued to explain: “There was a lot of deep snow and fallen trees down there and not easy to get to, but Kevin’s dog Finn was very interested in this location. After further investigation, they saw that PEPPER WAS STUCK in a small area of the creek surrounded by steep snowbanks and taking shelter under a fallen tree.

“A black dog under muddy black tree roots made it very hard for Kevin to see her, but his dog Finn did. Eventually, Kevin saw her tag shining on her collar.”

At just 714 feet from her house, Pepper had become stuck in a “deep creek” and ultimately needed assistance being rescued. It took 3 people to get Pepper back home and safe.

“Team Pepper for the win!!! Pepper was checked by the vet and she is doing well!!” the shelter added.

Go, Pepper!

Fellow Facebook users celebrated Pepper’s safe return as many flocked to the comments with their surprise and support.

One person wrote: “Yay!!!! So thankful for a happy ending. Thank you Summit Lost Pet Rescue for giving the family hope and resources to find her!!!”

Another person said: “Incredible. Well done by all involved. Thank you for sharing!”