BBC spotlight for Boxford Roman Mosaic?

A famous historical discovery is back in the limelight.

The Boxford History Project (BHP) has been approached by BBC Countryfile for videos of its Boxford Mosaic excavation for a BBC1 programme which will air on Sunday, March 24.

The mosaic at Boxford. There are only two other known examples of the story of Pelops portrayed on a mosaic in the whole of the Roman Empire

BHP chairwoman Joy Appleton told newburytoday it has given the broadcaster access to videos of the community exhibition – which drew some 3,000 visitors from across the country when it was unveiled in 2019 after a two-year excavation.

She said: “We don’t know for sure if they [the BBC] will use any of it and if they do, just how much.

“They seem very interested, so it’s fingers crossed that the Boxford Mosaic will be shown.

“We’re very excited to have been asked.”

Mrs Appleton added the broadcaster has sent through a request for material copyright forms – making its chances of being aired more promising.

The unique Roman mosaic, more than 1,700 years old, has been described by experts as “the most spectacular and innovative ever found in Britain.”

Its discovery was the culmination of two digs at the Roman villa complex by a large team of volunteers – and is one of only three of its kind in the world.

The main theme of the mosaic is the triumphs of Greek heroes Bellerophon and Pelops.

There are only two other known examples of the story of Pelops portrayed on a mosaic in the whole of the Roman Empire.

Volunteers busy cleaning up the mosaic ahead of the exhibition

The mosaic was first discovered in 2017, following the investigation of three closely-located Roman sites within the parish.

The work was carried out over a 10-day period by more than 100 volunteers, mainly from the local community – with one coming from the United States – together with local amateur archaeologists.

In other news, the Rev John Toogood and the Boxford Parochial Church Council are delighted to announce works on repairing the roof of St Andrew’s Church are due to begin on April 2.

But they say funds are still needed.

Anyone wishing to donate should do so via bank transfer to Boxford PCC. Account number: 03371069. Sort code: 20-59-14.