'Putting a target on all our backs': The View's Ana Navarro hammers Trump's new incitement

Ana Navarro on "The View"

"The View" began Monday with a discussion of Donald Trump's speech in Ohio on Saturday in which he celebrated the Jan. 6 rioters with a salute and called them "hostages." It was also the speech in which Trump called migrants "animals."

Both Republicans on the panel were quick to talk about the seriousness of Trump's comments and the fear that they will be overshadowed by the debate over his "bloodbath" comment.

"I do think it matters," said former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin. "I know how Republican voters think, and the average person doesn't probably consume media — political media especially as much as we do. And my worry is this: the 'bloodbath' comment over the weekend was wall-to-wall coverage, and a lot of Republicans are going to see the headline and then see what he said and say, 'Oh, wait. he's talking about autoworkers.' But what they don't hear is the other part."

She mentioned the Jan. 6 attackers singing an "alternative national anthem" and his comments about immigrants.

"He doubled down on Fox News about immigrants poisoning the blood of America," Griffin continued. "I'm not saying it's a media trap because he does use language like 'bloodbath' and 'carnage' deliberately, but I don't want us to miss the forest through the trees because that's what he does."

Ana Navarro agreed, saying that the comments Trump uses about migrants coming into the United States are about encouraging his supporters to lash out at people of color.

"I will never stop caring," Navarro pledged. "I have cared from the first minute, and I will continue caring for the rest of my life because I think we've learned that words matter. And, you know, it's really funny because you've mentioned this alternative national anthem. How ironic is it that every time the Black national anthem is played, a lot of these people go berserk? I guess it's just their white supremacist national anthem is okay."

She went on to say that America has "already seen what Donald Trump's words are capable of, who they're capable of triggering."

She said that Jan. 6 is one thing, but she cited the 23 people who were killed in El Paso in a Walmart when a white supremacist came after "people who look like me and sound like me."

"So, I want to say to my Latino friends, some of them who might be thinking of voting for Trump," Navarro said. "When Trump talks about poisoning the blood of America, he's talking about migrants. When he refers to them as animals, and he's talking about migrants. When he's referring to them as 'not people,' as 'invaders.' Let me tell you, people who hate folks like that are not going to stop and ask you if you have U.S. citizenship or a U.S. passport. They're going to shoot first and then ask questions later."

When Trump speaks, she said, "I think he's putting a target on all of our backs."

Trump promised "retribution," Navarro recalled, "well, believe him."

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