Cowboys for Trump founder begs to be Trump's VP after 14th Amendment disqualification


Cowboys for Trump found Couy Griffin, a convicted Capitol rioter, is calling for Donald Trump to choose him as his vice presidential running mate because he believes it's the only office he can now hold, except the presidency.

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case that removed Griffin as Otero County Commissioner in New Mexico because he violated the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause.

The high court has previously said that Trump could not be disqualified from running for president under the same constitutional provision.

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"It's a disappointment like I haven't felt in a long time," Griffin said in a statement. "As I sit right now, the only office I can run for is the executive office. Trump needs a Vice President who can stand strong through the hardest of times. And I can only pray I'd be considered."

The former New Mexico official made similar remarks in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

"I'm officially barred through a court order of running for any other office other than the office of President. I wonder if that holds true to the office of Vice President?" he said, addressing Trump.

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