'You can't handle the truth!' Matt Gaetz smacked down in heated impeachment hearing clash

House Oversight/screen grab

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) clashed with a Democratic witness at an impeachment proceeding Wednesday.

During a House Oversight Committee hearing, Gaetz tried to take on Lev Parnas, a former associate of Rudy Giuliani, about crimes that required him to spend four months in prison.

"So it sounds like everyone here today, the only one working for a Russian oligarch was you," Gaetz said in an attempt to counter earlier claims that Russia was behind corruption allegations against President Joe Biden.

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"You were really worried about our democracy, and you were here to warn us, but you were working for a Russian oligarch, wanted to get marijuana licenses, but then you didn't even do it," the lawmaker added sarcastically.

"No," Parnas replied. "That's a lie, Congressman Gaetz."

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"But instead of spending 50 years in prison, you got four months," Gaetz complained. "The DOJ didn't listen to the truth because if they would listen to the truth, you guys would have been all in jail."

"You don't want to hear the truth," Parnas shot back. "You can't handle the truth, Matt Gaetz."

"Look, the truth for you is taking money from Russians to buy marijuana businesses and then going to jail and then coming here to lie about Trump," Gaetz griped.

Watch the video below from House Oversight.

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