League champions Wisbech defeat March in final game of campaign

Wisbech hockey players ended a fairytale season with a 3-0 victory over Fenland rivals March.

Chances came and went but the league champions kept preserving and took the lead on the stroke of half-time when Scott Welcher finished smartly from a short corner to take bragging rights against his brother.

March continued to pressure in the second half but the Wisbech defence held strong and were in much more control.

League champions Wisbech

Sam Markillie and Lewis Jackson added further goals as they made it 20 wins out of a possible 22.

The hard work begins now as they compete in Division 1N in September.

The men's 2nds clinched the league title with a 1-1 draw against Cambs South 3rds in a top-of-the-table clash.

Wisbech opened the scoring with a well-worked move down the left being finished by Jonny Garner at the back post.

The second half became more of a battle, with Cambridge turning on the pressure.

Wisbech managed the game well, with the back four holding strong and Kev Shippey making some sublime reaction saves, including one from a penalty flick.

Cambridge did find an equaliser but Wisbech, who have only been beaten once this season, held on for the draw.

Wisbech men's 3rds came from two goals down to beat rivals March 5-3

Trailing 2-0, the men pulled one back before half-time with a calm second-phase finish from Ciaran Lowe.

With a spirited half-time talk, and some excellent parental advice, the men came out in a completely different mindset in the second half.

Goals quickly followed with a second from Lowe and the start of a goal-fest from Calvin Bishop who, despite playing with a completely broken stick, still managed to find immense power and accuracy to leave the opposition defence and goalkeeper confounded.

Another from Bishop followed and shortly thereafter a slick one-two between the senior players at a short corner saw Mike Lawrence convert on the second phase.

Bishop continued his rout of the opposition goal with two more trademark finishes and the men pushed for more in the last few minutes only to be caught on the break and a well-worked short corner converted by March.

Man-of-the-match was Willis Ruff.

Wisbech ladies 2nds won 2-0 at Kettering.

League champions Ladies 4ths took on the Ladies 3rds today in a much-anticipated match.

The ladies 4s battled hard throughout the first half, with some superb saves from Ali Beel and brilliant play through the defence and midfield.

The 3rds, who named Izzy Herring as PoM, increased the pressure in the second half and were rewarded with a goal through Molly Evans, but the 4ths kept their heads high and met the increased challenge even through a flurry of defensive short corners.

There was some excellent play from Charlotte Holt, Laynie Thompson and Harriet Clark, who pushed the opposition hard and executed some superb tackles, as well as some breathtaking runs from Isla Jeakings-Ayres.

Players-of-the-Match for 4ths: Charlotte Holt and Ali Beel.