CNN pulls plug on Trump speech as he spews a 'plethora of falsehoods'

Donald Trump (CNN)

CNN cut off live coverage of Donald Trump's public remarks at one of his Manhattan real estate properties, claiming that most of what he was saying was untrue.

The former president spoke at 40 Wall Street after appearing in court in the Stormy Daniels hush money case and following an appeals court ruling that dramatically reduced the bond he must post to avoid forfeiting some of his real estate holdings as a penalty in his fraud trial.

But CNN cut him off halfway though and and launched into a fact check of his claims.

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"Violent crime is flourishing and we can't have that, you can't have that," Trump said. "No city should have that and it's happening in other cities, but not with the lawfare, the lawfare that they're doing is incredible.

"So they could have done this in the case of the trial that we just left, one of the many that it goes on — every single one of them is run by [President Joe] Biden and his thugs, the only way they think they can get elected, and I think so far it's backfiring because the people of this country understand it. It's backfiring, but they're being run and they're running all of these different cases, so ridiculous, the cases, every one of them is ridiculous. You take a look at any one of them and you say, any one of them, it wouldn't make any difference. This is all weaponization of DOJ and FBI."

"They raided by house in violation of a thing called the Fourth Amendment, not allowed to do that," he added. "They raided my house in Florida, Mar-a-Lago — no notice, no nothing, they raided it. I can't believe it, nobody can believe it, and we'll see how that all works out in the end, but it's illegal what they're doing.

"It's criminal what they're doing and it's never been done before in this country, you can't have an election in the middle of a political season [sic]. We just had Super Tuesday now we had a Tuesday after Tuesday already and we had Louisiana the other day a couple of days ago, and we won in a record number, the highest number ever recorded, but we're in the middle of an election right now, and we're fighting crooked Joe Biden, who's the worst president in the history of our country by far, who's let this country go to hell. The borders, millions and millions of people coming in from prisons, from mental institutions that terrorists, many people coming in from prisons and mental institutions, think of it, and terrorists are coming into our country, and this guy's just letting them come in by the millions. I think we have 15 million people already."

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At that point CNN cut away to its studio team, and anchor Boris Sanchez explained that the ex-president was making too many false claims.

"Trump laying out a plethora of falsehoods," he said. "Perhaps the most blatant one that, all of these criminal cases were orchestrated by President Biden. There is no evidence to support that. Just about every single one of the criminal cases went before grand juries that then elected to indict the former president, but of course he is using this moment as an opportunity to campaign, as we've often seen him do before."

CNN's Kaitlan Collins then delivered an additional fact check on the former president's claims, which she said he often repeated in campaign rally speeches and on social media.

"Some of the classics there, including his claim that he repeats on a near daily basis this is about other countries emptying out their mental institutions and sending those people across the border, something his campaign has never been able to provide any factual basis for," Collins said. "But on the task get hand [Monday], which is these criminal cases and the fact that his first criminal case is going to be starting in three weeks with that jury selection after that decision was made here in the courtroom behind us by Judge Juan Merchan."

Trump criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who charged him in the hush money case, and made misleading comments about former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz's book about the investigation.

"[He] then detailed a book about the investigation they had been potentially pursuing against Donald Trump, including that they once considered bringing a racketeering charge against him," Collins said. "Trump did not mention that part of Mark Pomerantz's book, but clearly his anger here is that the judge and the fact that Judge Merchan did not allow this trial to get delayed any further than what had already was, which I should note it was supposed to start today."

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