Whoopi Goldberg Confronts 'The View' Audience Member Over Recording

Whoopi Goldberg called out an audience member for recording during Tuesday's show.YouTube

Whoopi Goldberg abruptly halted a discussion on The View to call out an audience member for recording during the show, RadarOnline.com has learned.

The awkward moment occurred during Tuesday's edition of the daytime talk show.

Goldberg interrupted co-host Sunny Hostin when she noticed an audience member recording.YouTube

Things took a turn during when the co-hosts were discussing Donald Trump's ongoing legal woes. As Sunny Hostin was mid-sentence, Goldberg abruptly interrupted her and turned the show's attention to a member of the audience.

The comedian proceeded to call out the attendee, who was apparently recording the segment from their seat.

Goldberg abruptly got out of her seat and walked across the stage to address the audience member.YouTube

"Hold on a sec, hold on," Goldberg said as she got out of her seat and walked across the stage. Hostin, Sara Haines, Joy Behar and Alyssa Farah Griffin all stopped and turned their attention to the interaction.

The EGOT winner addressed the audience member in a calm voice, "Sir, I have to stop you with the camera, ‘cause I can see you."

Goldberg asked the man to stop recording, to which he apparently obliged. YouTube

Goldberg politely asked the man to stop recording, "So do me a favor, don’t pull it out again."

The audience member, who was not shown on camera, replied to Goldberg. While it's unclear what the man told the comedian she responded, "I appreciate that. Thank you."

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Goldberg was interrupted later in the show when an audience member shouted to 'toss' Hostin.YouTube

Goldberg's co-hosts looked confused as to what caused her to get out of her seat and approach the audience member, but the audience clapped as Goldberg returned to her seat while her co-hosts asked what happened.

"What was he doing?" Behar asked, to which Haines flatly responded, "Recording."

Adding to the unusual nature of Tuesday's show, there was another audience interruption later in the episode.

Goldberg paused yet again, this time by an unruly audience member who shouted at the Sister Act star about one of her co-hosts. The person off-camera told Goldberg to toss out Hostin over her "legal notes."

While the person's comments couldn't be heard, Goldberg reacted, "I'm going to get to her. My god guys... I'm going to get to her! May I finish my point or you want me to just jump now?"

As the audience applauded, Behar attempted a bit of comic relief, "Whoopi is not in the mood today for your shenanigans!"

Audience members are informed during the pre-show that they are prohibited from recording or taking pictures during the entirety of the taping of the show, according to People.

Another guest noted that the man Goldberg initially confronted remained in the audience for the rest of the show.