Shelling of Kharkiv: Russians strike residential buildings, many casualties reported

Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)

In Kharkiv, as a result of today's Russian shelling, a direct hit on residential buildings in the Shevchenko district of the city has been recorded. According to the latest information, there are casualties and injuries due to the enemy attack, according to Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov.

It should be noted that initially, the city hall reported several fatalities, but later it was clarified that there was one victim.

"A strike on the residential area of Kharkiv, hitting multi-story buildings. There are casualties and injuries," Terekhov reported.

He added that this Russian strike is another act of bloody terror against Ukrainians.

The Regional Military Administration specified that the occupiers carried out two strikes on the Shevchenko district of Kharkiv. Damage to civilian residential infrastructure has been recorded.

"The type of weaponry is being determined. Preliminary information: there are casualties. Civilian residential infrastructure has been damaged," the administration reported.

The data is being updated, and the services are inspecting the areas of impact, added Syniehubov.

Updated at 16:33

Later, the city hall clarified that as of now, there is informationabout one fatality, with six more injured - two of them in critical condition.

"Five-story buildings where people lived were severely damaged. The emergency surgery institute also suffered," Terekhov wrote on Telegram.

Updated at 16:38

Later, the Regional Military Administration reported at least ten injured individuals.

"One person has died, and at least ten have been injured to varying degrees as a result of today's shelling of Kharkiv. Among the injured are four children," the head of the administration reported.

He added that multi-story residential buildings were damaged.

"The number of casualties may increase. The information is being updated. All circumstances are being established. Experts are working on-site," Syniehubov wrote.

The deceased was a civilian man, the head of the Regional Military Administration stated.

Updated at 16:43

Later, the Mayor of Kharkiv reported that the number of injured had increased to 12 individuals.

"Already 12 injured. Inspection of apartments in the affected buildings continues. We are looking for those who need assistance," the mayor reported.

Updated at 16:47

As reported by Suspilne Kharkiv, the impact was recorded on a children's playground between two multi-story buildings in the Shevchenko district of the city.

It is noted that the explosion wave tore off the facades and balconies of at least two buildings. Near one of the entrances, the body of a deceased person was found.

Shelling in Kharkiv

Earlier today, March 27, explosions were heard in Kharkiv during an air raid warning due to another Russian shelling.

Recently, Russian forces intensified shelling of Ukraine. Over the past few days, several mass strikes have been carried out on Ukraine. Kharkiv has repeatedly come under attack. In particular, on March 22, the occupiers launched over 15 strikes on it. The main target of the enemy was energy facilities.

As a result of the strikes by Russian terrorists, the entire city was left without electricity. Power was gradually restored in several stages. First and foremost, electricity was restored to critical infrastructure facilities.