Annemarie Wiley's Husband Slams 'RHOBH' Stars Crystal Minkoff and Garcelle Beauvais

Annemarie Wiley won't be back to 'RHOBH' after her rookie season.MEGA

Now that Annemarie Wiley isn't part of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast, her husband, ex-NFL player Marcellus Wiley, revealed his true feelings about some of her former costars, claiming that his wife wasn't a good fit for the show because she's not fake, can reveal.

Marcellus took issues with two housewives in particular: Crystal Kung Minkoff and Garcelle Beauvais.

The former defensive end accused Crystal of using the n-word and lecturing who Annemarie should vote for as a Black woman.

"Look at these bull-------- opening up Panderer's Box!" Marcellus wrote in a lengthy post on X.

He accused Crystal Minkoff of using the N-word and telling his wife who she should vote for as a Black woman.MEGA

"Crystal knows d--- well my wife is not a Trump supporter. But, even if she was, who the hell are YOU to politically police her? Crystal also knows her virtue signaling a-- shouldn't be saying the word 'N----' in videos (a world I don't even use), but she has! Worse, she doubles down on dumb by implying to my life who she has to vote for since she's black! #CrystalBiden," he sounded off.

Marcellus then turned his tirade on Garcelle, alleging she hates on other Black women to fit in with her white costars.

"And Garcielle [sic] puts the CON in confused. Acts pro-black, but stays hating on black women in a desperate attempt to stay 'Fancy' on a show with No Blacks!" he said.

Marcellus made it clear that he's happy his wife was axed from the show after only one season.

He also alleged that Garcelle tries too hard to fit in with her white castmates.MEGA

"Let's be wife wasn't good on Housewives. Personally, I'm glad she's off the show, she was a horrible fit. We all saw it, and it was obvious why. It's impossible to truly know how FAKE you have to be to actually be a REAL Housewife," he concluded. has reached out to Crystal and Garcelle for comment.

Annemarie was not asked back after her debut season and an insider shared with this outlet that several of her RHOBH cast members learned about her exit just like the rest of the world — online.

RHOBH star Dorit Kemsley addressed her former costar's exit in an exclusive statement to

Sources told that the cast is unaware of any potential added shakeups for next season.MEGA

"I'm sad for her," she told us last week. "She's unhappy and sad about it," Dorit continued. "I feel for her." She believes Annemarie "will go on to do great things" after being fired from the hit franchise.

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Annemarie broke the news about her exit, seemingly blaming editors for not allowing viewers to see the "real" her and claiming she made a "rookie mistake" by harping on talking points allegedly fed to her by producers — like Sutton Stracke's esophagus.

"I just got word today that I will not be returning to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. To say that I’m disappointed is an understatement," she said in part.

Annemarie added that she had hoped "my struggle with losing my mother to lung cancer within weeks of taping, and my struggle with adoption trauma and what was going to be, and still will be, a new life journey for me to find my biological parents" would have made the show.

"To the fans that saw past what was portrayed and saw the REAL me, thank you so much for the love and support," she said. "I wish all the ladies good luck on the next season and thank you Bravo for the opportunity."

As of last week, sources spilled to that the RHOBH cast was unaware of any possible cast shakeups, and not everyone from last season has been told if they'll be asked to return when filming picks up next season.