Full-on attack by Democrats revealed as Trump blitz planned in key battleground state


The effects of former President Donald Trump's campaign finance problems are already beginning to flare up in one of the nation's most hotly contested 2024 battleground states.

According to The Detroit News, "Democrats plan to have 30 campaign offices open in Michigan by mid-April, a strategy they say shows the strength of their ground game in a battleground state that could be key to President Joe Biden's reelection bid. The offices will serve as organizing hubs for volunteers, according to a Friday morning announcement from the Michigan Democratic Party and Biden's campaign."

On the flip side, Trump has announced no plans for any offices

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Detroit will receive three of those offices, and the rest will be all around the state.

Democrats are also strategizing how to inform voters about the most unpopular and controversial aspects of the Republican agenda, like the "Project 2025" plan to transform the government into an army of Trump loyalists.

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Thus far, Trump does not have any offices opening in Michigan, although he plans to hold a rally in Grand Rapids next week.

Michigan is one of three Midwestern states that narrowly backed Trump in 2016 after several elections of supporting Democrats in presidential elections, and then was reclaimed by President Joe Biden in 2020. Democrats gained full control of the state government in the 2022 midterm elections. Polling has shown the state is competitive this year.

In addition to Trump's struggle to raise money for his campaign, the GOP is reeling from weeks of drama in Michigan party leadership, with former party chair Kristina Karamo refusing to step down after being ousted and obstructing the new chair from taking full control until courts stepped in.

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