Trump aide defends ex-president's violent imagery — and gets schooled by fellow Republican

CNN screenshot

It's just a video on social media. That's what Trump's former special assistant said about the ex-president sharing a video that includes an image of President Joe Biden tied up on his side with a bullet hole through his head.

Marc Lotter, who also served as a press secretary to Vice President Mike Pence and then became president of a communications firm, appeared on CNN to discuss Trump's latest actions.

Specifically, he was asked about the recent instance in which Trump, Lotter's former boss, posted something that included an image of President Joe Biden bound and gagged in the back of a truck with a bullet hole in his forehead.

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"I mean, I think so much is being made of a video posted on social media. That's literally what..."

Former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) interrupted him.

"Your former colleagues at the White House, people who've spoken out against Donald Trump, have gotten attacked, people sometimes show up and attack them at their home or threaten them, threats are made against them," Comstock said. "So this is a real..."

"If we want to have a serious discussion about political violence, and I think we should, but... I would also remind you that you had the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, and a squad member talking about unrest in our streets. You had entertainers who've talked about assassinating President Trump, blowing up the White House..."

He added that "we need to talk about political violence on both sides, and when that is only attacked and questioned on one, it rings hollow."

"We have not had a President of the United States who has said he would pardon people who have attacked our Capitol police and said he would let them free and we've had people excuse that. And that's coming from Donald Trump," Comstock said.

"The host called it "two Republicans having a very real debate, a very passionate one."

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