Dentist reveals simple trick to find out if you need teeth whitening or not

If you’re wondering how white your teeth should look, a dentist has a simple trick to find the “natural” color that suits you the best.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to whiten your teeth too bright like Ross Geller and give others the creeps. But most people wouldn’t know when to stop, so let’s solve it with a simple comparison.

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How white should your teeth look?

Well, if you are stunned by influencers and models sporting a wide smile displaying the brightest set of teeth, it’s probably a filter, according to Dr Shaadi Manouchehri on TikTok.

Trying a white teething filter on herself, the dentist reveals a simple trick to find the natural color of your teeth.

She elaborates on the fact that your teeth can only get as white as the whites in your eyeball.

Regardless of the products and procedures one uses to make teeth look brighter, the natural color always matches the color of the whites of the eyes. Anything brighter than that only looks artificial and you wouldn’t want that, would you?

According to Allure, your tooth shade is predetermined at birth and some people are born with naturally yellow teeth.

Similarly, some people are born with brighter teeth, which may look stained due to certain habits and what they eat – coffee or acidic food contributing to it among other factors.

If your teeth aren’t the same shade as the whites of your eyes, it’s time you get them cleaned by a dentist to reveal the natural shade. They may also recommend using specific toothpaste or products to reduce the stain.

Interesting fact stuns TikTok users

You can whiten your teeth by having the stain removed by a dentist regularly as well as maintaining good oral hygiene at home.

But, people were surprised to learn that we can whiten our teeth only so much – until they are the same color as the whites in the eyes.

One user said: “And I was obsessed with white teeth all this while.”

When another added: “Now I understand Ross’ plight.”, referring to the hilarious scene from FRIENDS.

A third user wrote: “I don’t feel bad about having yellow teeth anymore. Haha”