'Oops': Pro-Trump rally organizer blames Democrats when things go 'terribly wrong'

Zachary Petrizzo / Twitter

A pro-Donald Trump rally went sideways, with the entire stage tipping over at one point, and the organizers blamed Democrats.

Trump has frequently been involved in rallies where things didn't quite go as planned. Earlier this month, the former president was forced to stop talking for several minutes during his speech, while someone in the crowd suffered a heart event.

In this case, it was a pro-Trump rally where the ex-president wasn't doing the speaking, and it was in Georgia.

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Zachary Petrizzo, a former politics reporter at The Daily Beast and former investigative reporter at Salon, flagged the unfortunate development at the rally.

"A pro-Trump rally in Georgia went terribly wrong as large speakers kept crashing to the ground, and at another point, their stage tipped over, and the pulpit hit the ground. The organizer, apparently not familiar with basic physics blamed 'Democrats.'"

In the comments, social media users weren't gentle on the event's organizers.

@joeflood said that, "Gravity has a left-wing bias."

@MarlaTauscher mocked the crowd size.

"Sounds like a massive crowd of ten or so, including the speakers."

@WillyLo86412915 said it was inevitable.

"That's what happens when you use a single axel dump trailer detached from a truck as your stage, it's physics," they wrote.

Another user, @mcomiskey825, simply wrote, "Oops."

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