Christian warns of Trump's 'horrifically terrible influence' on the American church

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump stands on stage during a campaign event at Big League Dreams Las Vegas on January 27, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.(Photo by David Becker/Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump is making evangelical institutions bow to his will instead of that of their God's, argued conservative commentator David French on MSNBC Monday Morning — and transforming those institutions in the process.

His dire warning, echoed in his recent opinion column "Trump Is No Savior" for The New York Times, came amid a conversation with pastor and civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton.

"I think what troubles me — and I read your article, and you go right to it — is that not only are people in the Christian world and the leadership and the clergy there, not only are they bending toward a politics that seems to be antithetical to what we believe of Christianity, they're literally altering the scripture," Sharpton told French.

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Sharpton brought up the example of Trump endorsing the "God Bless the USA Bible," a $60 large-print edition of the Bible that was updated to include America's founding documents and Lee Greenwood lyrics. "Are you saying the other Bibles are not valid? Are you saying Trump is to tell Christians what Bibles they should have? The disturbing part is how Christian leaders are now compromising their own scriptures and beliefs."

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"The first thing you have to understand about the effect of Trump on the church is that Trump is changing the American church," said French. "He is actually remolding parts of the American church in his image. Back in 2016, they told me we are going to be the good influence on him. At this point, it is absolutely clear he is the horrifically terrible influence on the church. He's begun to change the character of it. It's exactly right that the church was ready for this. It had gone off-kilter enough to where it was ready for a strongman to come in. It was vulnerable to a strongman coming in to say, I'm going to fix this."

In other words, French continued, Trump is "changing the church. He's changing the character of the church, the character of the people in the church. And then the religious fervor is only going to increase, because the processes that I talk about in my piece — there are prophecies where people are saying he has a special divine purpose. People are hearing these prophecies, believing them and believing anyone opposed to Trump is opposed to God's plan for America. That's what's really escalating the religious stakes in the United States. It's very dangerous."

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David Frensh says Trump is "remolding" the church in his image

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