All You Need To Know: Highlights From The 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll

In a tradition dating back to 1878, the White House welcomed guests to the 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday. Under the thematic banner of “EGGucation,” curated by First Lady Jill Biden, the South Lawn and Ellipse were reimagined as a vibrant scholastic haven, teeming with enriching activities tailored for young learners.

Amidst the cherished Easter Egg Roll traditions of egg rolling and hunting, the “EGGucation” Roll unveiled an array of innovative attractions. Attendees were treated to a School House Activity Area, a serene Reading Nook, a thrilling Field Trip to the Farm experience, Picture Day festivities, a dynamic Physical “EGGucation” Zone, a tantalizing Snack Time Tent, and a host of other engaging activities designed to blend fun with learning.

Welcoming nearly 40,000 participants, encompassing military personnel, veteran families, caregivers, and survivors, the event unfolded with a sense of inclusive celebration. Prior to the commencement of the Easter Egg Roll, both President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden delivered poignant remarks from the esteemed Blue Room Balcony. Reflecting on the spirit of Easter, President Biden eloquently stated, “Easter reminds us of the power of hope and renewal… It’s time to pray for one another,” said Biden.

Commencing the proceedings, First Lady Jill Biden extended a heartfelt welcome to all attendees and extended her Easter wishes. “I’m a teacher, so I love any time when we can turn the White House into a classroom. And that’s what we’re doing today,” said Biden.

“The South Lawn is transforming into our learning playground and school community. And there’s so much to discover. Listen to a story in the reading nook, explore space, make circuit breakers, write notes to our troops, take a field trip to a farm, hunt for dinosaur fossils, and so much more.”

Following the First Lady’s introduction, President Biden took the stage to address the gathered crowd. Expressing gratitude, he extended thanks to the National Park Service, the White House Historical Association, the American Egg Board, and the dedicated egg farmers across the nation for their contributions.

“Easter reminds us of the power of hope and renewal, sacrifice and resurrection, but mainly love and grace toward one another. It’s a time to pray for one another, to cherish the blessings and the possibilities that we have as Americans,” said Biden. He then introduced the Easter Bunny and informed the crowd that he would come down to the lawn to roll an egg.

The President blew a whistle to signal that the egg roll game had begun. Biden stopped to talk to a girl crying in a pink jacket. After she stopped crying, they both rolled an egg together. Afterwards, both the First Lady and President began speaking with other groups of children and took photos with the attendees. Biden then proceeded to answer a few questions a reporter shouted at him about Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility.

Biden was asked what Easter meant to him. “Time for forgiveness and people getting together. And a little bit of love and no phoniness. Be straight with people,” said Biden.

In response to Speaker Johnson’s statement regarding Easter Sunday coinciding with Transgender Day of Visibility, President Biden swiftly dismissed the notion, stating, “He’s thoroughly uninformed. I didn’t do that.”