'Every time': David Ornstein has doubts after what he's been hearing about Ruben Amorim and Liverpool recently

Ruben Amorim looks to be the new favourite to become the next Liverpool manager.

Xabi Alonso has ruled himself out of this race, and, by the sounds of things Amorim is the new frontrunner.

Fabrizio Romano has stated that Amorim is the favourite for this job, but, interestingly, David Ornstein has heard something different on this story.

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What David Ornstein has heard about Ruben Amorim

Speaking on The Athletic Football Podcast, David Ornstein has shared what he’s heard about Amorim, and he says that he’s been told to approach these reports that he’s the favourite or the frontrunner with a sense of caution.

“Amorim is definitely in the mix, I think a member of his backroom staff used to work at Liverpool and he’s said to be very important to Amorim. I think some conversations have taken place, but every time I see suggestions that he is the favourite or the frontrunner I’m given a sense of caution as there’s not a standout candidate at the moment,” Amorim said.

Liverpool will take their time

Ornstein says that he’s been told Amorim shouldn’t be considered as the favourite for this job yet, and that does make sense.

Liverpool aren’t the type of club who will rush into a decision this big, and they won’t make a call on this for a little while yet.

They have their own Premier League title push to focus on, while Richard Hughes and Michael Edwards have barely even got started in terms of their work behind the scenes at the club.

Amorim may well emerge as the favourite for the Liverpool job in the coming weeks, but, as things stand, we’d be surprised if there was a favourite in this race as Liverpool will still be very early in the process of looking for a Klopp replacement.

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