Russians shell Mykolayivka: 3 employees of thermal power plant injured

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Russian occupiers have shelled the city of Mykolayivka in the Donetsk region, which is a satellite city to the Sloviansk Thermal Power Plant (TPP). Three employees of the plant have been injured, according to Ukrenergo and Vadym Filashkin, the head of Donetsk Regional State Administration.

"Due to the shelling of the satellite city of the Sloviansk thermal power plant, three employees of the plant have been injured. They have been taken to the hospital," Ukrenergo's statement said.

Additionally, according to Vadym Filashkin, the head of Donetsk Regional State Administration, three multi-story buildings, a private house, and an administrative building have been damaged in the city.

Situation with thermal power plants in Ukraine

Recently, on March 22 and 29, Russian forces launched massive strikes on energy facilities in Ukraine, resulting in damage to several thermal power plants. According to DTEK, 80% of the company's generating capacity has been lost. In particular, due to enemy attacks, 5 out of 6 thermal power plants have been severely damaged, making the situation extremely difficult.

It has become a common practice for occupiers to shell energy facilities in Ukraine, including thermal power plants. For example, on November 12, 2023, it was reported that over the past three weeks, the Russian Federation had shelled one of DTEK Energy's thermal power plants three times.