Ditch your morning coffee for these five natural alternatives

Coffee is the most popular drink in the US, aside from bottled water, with Americans drinking 400 million cups every day. Most rely on that caffeine fix to wake them up in the morning, and many continue guzzling more throughout the day – but there are downsides.

While coffee tastes delicious and gives you loads of energy, it’s also highly addictive and withdrawal can cause sleepiness, reduced alertness and poor memory. That’s why many are turning to natural alternatives, which still make you feel awake without the negative effects.

5 natural coffee alternatives

Experts from coffee alternative brand MUD\WTR have revealed five natural substances to consume instead of the caffeine-filled drink.

“Caffeine is highly addictive and can have negative side effects, such as headaches and dizziness, when consumed in excess. So, it’s no surprise that two in five coffee drinkers are searching for ways to reduce their daily intake,” founder Shane Heath said.

“There are countless alternatives that offer the positives of coffee without the downsides of caffeine; people just need to find the right solution for themselves.”

MedlinePlus reveals some side effects of too much caffeine include restlessness and shakiness, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, fast heart rate, dehydration, anxiety and dependency. They recommend only consuming up to 400mg of caffeine a day.

1. Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Elisa Cicinelli (Getty Images)

First up is Lion’s mane mushrooms, a type of fungi with a white and fluffy appearance. They have a history of being used in traditional Chinese medicine, and can regulate blood sugars, promote heart health and reduce high blood pressure.

The mushroom also promotes energy levels and reduces fatigue, making them a perfect coffee alternative. They can be cooked like regular mushrooms, consumed as a drink or taken as a supplement during the daytime.

2. Cocoa Beans

Sao Tomé and Principe, Sao Tomé island, Diego Vaz roça (Portuguese plantation), community of Molundo, cocoa harvest. Aldo Pavan (Getty Images)

Next up is cocoa beans, which are found in the Amazon rainforest and most commonly used to make chocolate. However, they can also treat heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammatory conditions and insulin resistance.

They are ideal for those wanting to reduce their coffee intake as they contain a natural stimulant called theobromine which increases energy slowly throughout the day like caffeine, but it’s short-lived and they aren’t as addictive.

3. Matcha Tea

Matcha is a high-grade green tea ground into powdered form. The green tea powder is whisked into hot water, instead of steeped, to form a frothy dr…

It’s no surprise that a great coffee alternative is – tea! Matcha is made from Japanese green tea powder and has a long list of health benefits. It contains polyphenols, which protects the body against disease, and chlorophyll, which supports brain function.

A cup of matcha tea contains around 50mg of caffeine per serving, whereas a cup of coffee has between 100mg and 200mg per serving, so it’s a great option for those wanting to cut down on caffeine but not cut it out completely.

4. Peppermint and Ginger Tea

A woman with dreadlocks pours green tea with mint from a glass teapot. Close-up. Healthy lifestyle concept. Credit: Elena Fedorina (Getty Images)

If Matcha isn’t your thing, herbal teas are great too. They don’t contain any caffeine, but can still support energy levels and promote alertness. Plus, even the act of making a tea in the morning can help wake someone up.

Peppermint tea can support digestion and improve cognitive function, and ginger tea does the same thing while also helping oxygen circulate around the body, giving people more energy throughout the day.

5. Ashwagandha

Credit: Stuart Cox (Getty Images)

Finally, Ashwagandha, better known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry, can help reduce stress, increase muscle strength, and even boost fertility. It’s a green plant that grows in India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa.

The natural alternative can sharpen focus, improve memory and boost attention spans too, which are the three main benefits of caffeine. However, consuming Ashwagandha won’t give you any of the negative effects.

This expertise was provided by MUD/WTR, a healthy habits brand best known for its popular coffee alternative, :rise Cocoa, a blend of cocoa, chai and mushrooms that fuels your morning.