Why 875 residents won't leave Chasiv Yar?

Chasiv Yar, Donetsk Oblast

The town faces frequent power outages and disrupted utilities, yet many, particularly the elderly, are hesitant to evacuate.

Despite repeated calls from local authorities to evacuate, many residents, especially those over the age of 60, are reluctant to leave their homes.

"To say they don't know where to go is not entirely true,” Chaus said.

"Yesterday we organized an online bridge, a telebridge, with one of the ‘shelters’ (for internally displaced people) in central Ukraine, showing our residents who have already left what services they receive."

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But they still don’t understand how they will integrate into society in the future and refuse to leave.

"In the last few months there has been no silence", with only a few "moments of calm", Chaus said.

"Artillery, aviation, mortars (fire) every day. It's getting more and more difficult with every day. As for the humanitarian situation - we continue to work. Residents receive humanitarian aid - water distribution, the minimum set of what can be done during hostilities, we deliver, despite the risks and the difficult situation," Chaus concluded.

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Section: Nation

Author: Андрій Журба