Trump White House lawyer flags what's 'remarkable' about Judge Cannon's 'stunning' actions

Donald Trump, Aileen Cannon (Photo by AFP/ Cannon photo via U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida)

The presiding judge in Donald Trump's classified documents criminal case in Florida may soon be yanked from the bench after her most recent move perceived as slow-walking it to trial.

Former President Donald Trump's old White House lawyer Ty Cobb ripped what he claimed are missteps by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, that stem from her blatant "bias."

"I think the evidence from her bias is pretty palpable at this stage of the game," he said during an appearance on CNN's "Out Front". "I think the 11th Circuit tried desperately to draw a line for her at the time of the search warrant and the Special Master cases where they rebuked are very sternly for her making up, basically making up the law and her lack of analysis of the required factors that went into those decisions."

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ALSO READ: A criminologist explains why Judge Cannon must step away from Trump trial immediately

Trump's facing 37 counts brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith who accuses him of mishandling of classified documents he took with him from the White House after the 2020 presidential election loss and of obstructing the government's attempt to recover them from his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida.

The spotlight on Cannon has grown ever since two of her decisions were overruled by the 11th Circuit Court. One in particular was widely panned for appointing a third party "special master" to survey the documents themselves.

Smith has since called Cannon's delays in the case "fundamentally flawed" as it relates to an expedited binding decision on Trump's claim that he's above the law for taking the banker boxes filled with national security documents and minting them his own personal property under a law known as the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

However, Smith and other legal minds have made clear that the case has nothing to do with the PRA but rather the Espionage Act.

Cobb offered his own rebuke of entertaining the PRA as a way to delay this case from docketing a trial before the Nov. 5 election.

"Her delays here are extraordinary," he said. "I mean, as you highlighted as others highlighted, she hasn't even set a trial date; that's remarkable."

"She ignored the government's request months ago to set the schedule under the Classified Information Procedures Act that there are multiple steps that have to be gone through and she hasn't she hasn't completed step one."

He then questioned her ethics and expertise.

"I think the evidence is just too overwhelming, I mean, yes, she may be incompetent, but at this stage of the game the her incompetence is so gross that I think it clearly creates the perception of of partiality in her attempt to put her thumb on the scale... I think that should disqualify her."

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