6 ways to get more natural sunlight while working from home this spring

Working from home has a lot of benefits, but the lack of exposure to sunlight is one of the biggest issues most of us face in a remote setup.

Spring is the best time to step out to soak up the sun without getting burnt. But working a busy schedule can be consuming and we tend to ignore the benefits of the healthy practice. So we have gathered different ways to get natural sunlight while working from home.

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Set up the desk near the window

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to expose yourself to sunlight while working from home. Set up your workstation in a place that gets plenty of natural light.

If you can’t place your desk right by the window, have it set up close enough to be able to walk to it during your break.

Attend meetings while walking outside

If your job requires you to attend a lot of virtual meetings, you may as well be a part of it while enjoying some sunlight.

You can find a quiet spot outside your residence and join office calls walking or simply sitting someplace with good sunlight. This way, your body is being exposed to natural light while you’re getting your work done too.

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Step out for lunch breaks

Step out during your lunch breaks as much as possible. Given the sun is at its peak at noon, even a few minutes of exposure provides a good dose of Vitamin D.

You don’t have to always commute to a restaurant or cafe for lunch. You can simply pack home-cooked food and find a place outside your house to enjoy your meal.

Take mini-workout breaks

Stretching during long hours of work is important for your overall well-being. We even showed you a couple of easy yoga poses to practice in the middle of work.

As working for a long time inside the house can become exhausting, using mini breaks after an hour or two of work to do the above-recommended stretches or any other exercise of your choice under the sun can be beneficial and also not tiring.

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Set up an outdoor workstation

Moving your home office outside, if you have enough space around, exposes you to plenty of sunlight.

You need to keep in mind a few factors such as comfortable seating, enough shade, an uninterrupted source of power and internet in addition to a noise-free environment to be able to work outside of your home.

Just stand outside

If none of the above is possible, you can still get enough sunlight by simply standing out at noon for a couple of minutes every day.

Unlike other seasons, about 25 percent of your body is exposed to the sun in Spring and Summer, according to UCLA Health.

“About 8 to 10 minutes of sun exposure at noon produces the recommended amount of vitamin D,” states the report.

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