Report: What rival Premier League clubs now feel about Everton and Nottingham Forest's point deductions

It was always bound to backfire when the Premier League decided to hand Everton a ten-point deduction.

After all, nothing they could possibly do would have merited such a sanction, which actually surpassed the harshest ever deduction in top-flight history.

Supposedly having committed a crime deemed worse than entering administration, the knock-on effect led to the rest of those in the division being left petrified of spending in fear of what might happen to them.

Now, those feelings have been detailed in a report.

Premier League clubs not happy with Everton treatment

As noted in a recent article by The Daily Mail, many within the Premier League are not happy with the application of the rules.

After all, whilst it does lend to those at the top, the January just gone showcased the damning repercussions of such strict sanctions.

Photo by Robbie Jay Barratt – AMA/Getty Images

This was inevitable, yet such short-sightedness actually hamstrung their entire business model and what has made this division the best in the world.

Other clubs seemingly agree, as journalist Mike Keegan wrote: ‘Radical reform has been discussed among the clubs and an entirely new system could be voted in at the end of the season meeting in June. As many as 17 of the 20 clubs are thought to be leaning towards significant change. Fourteen clubs need to be in agreement to get a rule change through.

‘Some feel that the eventual six-point penalty dished out to Everton and the four handed to Forest were draconian and not reflective of why PSR was brought in.’

Proposed rule change is an insult to Everton and Nottingham Forest

How can an institution use rules, that they are planning to change, as guidelines with which to punish two of the country’s oldest and most historic clubs? It simply isn’t fair.

Everton and their fanbase have been going on about how PSR is unfit for purpose for months now, and whilst they are finally getting what they wanted in seeing them altered and points deductions abolished, it is too little too late.

They have already been sanctioned, and have another potentially just around the corner.

It cannot be deemed an equal system if a clear bias is present, and in this case, the bias is firmly against the Toffees.

Receiving no leeway for their mitigating circumstances, and seeing any valid protestations firmly ignored by the decision-makers, Forest’s subsequent four-point deduction was made even more frustrating, with each independent commission seemingly having their own interpretation of the rules.

Photo by PETER POWELL/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

A rule change, after sanctioning these two teams, is an insult to them both. It cannot be allowed to stand, but, as always, it will. These kinds of organisations always get away with examples of such gross misconduct.