'Again': Ian Wright urges Everton players to do one thing to help Dominic Calvert-Lewin

Everton were good value for their win over Burnley yesterday, but hardly set the world alight in the process of acquiring the 1-0 victory.

The match was tired, sluggish, slow and lacking quality, and unsurprisingly was decided by a moment of madness rather than a piece of real quality football.

In all honesty, neither side managed to conjure up the latter throughout the entire match.

But Sean Dyche won’t care, and neither will Dominic Calvert-Lewin, who was the willing recipient of such fortune as the goalkeeper lashed the ball off the striker and into his own net.

It was actually quite refreshing to see the former Sheffield United man, who has endured such a tough campaign, finally catch a break.

Ian Wright urges Everton players to help Dominic Calvert-Lewin

Analysing his game on BBC’s Match of the Day last night, Ian Wright, who has been a vocal admirer of Calvert-Lewin for many years now, was actually left frustrated at the lack of support he received.

One moment, where he was set free inside the opposition penalty area, saw him burst free despite his touch being rather heavy.

Photo by Chris Brunskill/Fantasista/Getty Images

However, when looking at the box, he remained the only Royal Blue shirt there, and all he could do was attempt a chipped effort straight at the onrushing goalkeeper from a narrow angle.

Wright has therefore implored his teammates to start getting alongside him, just moments after he suggested he has ‘everything’ for a striker.

The former Arsenal and Crystal Palace marksman noted: ‘Again no-one’s in there. That’s what’s going to start happening, once they start realising how capable he is they’re going to start supporting him and getting in there but it’s great to see him scoring and looking confident.’

Dominic Calvert-Lewin does everything for Sean Dyche

As Wright noted, the 27-year-old forward is arguably the perfect striker, especially for Dyche.

After all, not only is he tall, physical and extremely mobile, competing in every aerial duel he goes up for, but he also boasts a fine feathered touch and the ability to bring others into play with his link-up.

So often this season has a ball has been pumped up aimlessly towards him, only for the towering striker to flick it up and on and then challenge again.

Now, with two goals in as many games, it is becoming clear why the 52-year-old manager has persisted with him all season despite his form in front of goal having disappeared at times.

Photo by Matt McNulty/Getty Images

Calvert-Lewin is the perfect modern-day striker, yet also still has flashes of those old-school assets which often endear him to the bulk of the fanbase.

Should he now enjoy a profitable goalscoring run to fire Everton to safety, he is certain to make himself a hero once again.