Doctor explains six potential reasons your eyelid twitches, and they shouldn't be ignored

It’s happened to all of us at some point – the eyelid twitches involuntarily and you can’t do anything to stop it.

Just like chronic cheek biting is said to be a warning from your brain, you must not overlook constant eyelid twitching as it can be caused by several underlying issues.

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What it means if your eyelid twitches involuntarily

According to Emergency Physician Dr. Joe, your eyelid can twitch involuntarily because of issues related to your mental and physical health.

In one of his videos on TikTok, the doctor explained that the medical term for eyelid twitching is Myokymia and by itself, it’s harmless.

However, if your eyelid is twitching non-stop, it can be caused due to factors such as “stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, dehydration, too much caffeine/alcohol, and electrolyte disturbances.”

This occurrence can take place on the upper or lower eyelid, and only one of them twitches at a time.

While it’s barely noticeable in some cases, others with regular twitching eyelids may find it extremely troublesome and if you fall in the latter category, it’s time you met with a professional.


Eyelid twitching (myokymia) affects only the eyelid. This type of twitch or spasm is very common and happens to most people at one time or another. It can involve either the upper or lower lid, but usually only one eye at a time. The eye twitching can range from barely noticeable to bothersome. #myokymia #myokemia #eyetwitch #eyelidtwitch #emergencymedicine

♬ original sound – Dr. Joe, M.D. 🩺

Can you fix it?

While eye twitching is temporary in most cases and goes away on its own, medical intervention is required if the spasm doesn’t reduce or results in the closure of the eye.

An article by Johns Hopkins notes that eye twitching can also run in families.

As the spasms in your eyelid stop on their own, you can fasten the process by ensuring you get better sleep, reduce your intake of caffeine or alcohol, and practice different meditation or breathing techniques to reduce stress.

If the twitching is caused by dryness in your eyes, you can check with a specialist doctor for prescribed eye drops.

But, if your eye twitches continuously for weeks, get it checked by a doctor immediately for the next course of action.