Newark Town Council object to battery energy storage site plans on Bowbridge Lane, Balderton, due to concerns from Nottinghamshire County Council Highways over construction traffic routes

Plans to build a new energy storage facility have been met with concerns about construction traffic.

An application to build a battery energy storage system at land currently used as a scrapyard on Bowbridge Lane, Balderton, was discussed by Newark Town Council’s planning committee.

The plans would see 16 large battery units placed on the site alongside converters, amenity building, parking, electrical transformer, switchroom and substation in a fenced area.

Plans for a battery energy storage site on Bowbridge Lane, Balderton. Credit: Newark and Sherwood District Council, planning portal.

The applicant stated that energy storage facilities such as this allow the National Grid network to operate more efficiently, by taking excess energy, storing it and releasing it when needed at times of peak demand.

The council previously offered no comment on the plans when they were presented in February, but have now reconsidered their position following additional comments made by consultees.

Councillors were not opposed to the plans in principle but noted that Nottinghamshire County Council Highways had raised concerns about construction traffic passing through the town.

Although Bowbridge Lane would not be used, a suggestion that heavy goods vehicles could use Farndon Road, Victoria Street, Boundary Road, and Bowbridge Road.

These roads are majority residential and the impacts of construction traffic in these areas would not be suitable and the impacts of the large vehicles on the road surface in not yet known.

The highways report recommended that approval is not given until its concerns had been addressed

Matthew Skinner agreed that Bowbridge Road was incredibly fragile and was not suitable for construction traffic, adding that as the Southern Link Road is due to be completed next year this would provide an alternative route which would avoid the need to bring heavy goods vehicles through the town.

Members suggested that construction is delayed until the opening of the Southern Link Road, which will provide alternative and more suitable access.

The planning committee objected on the grounds that Highways had raised concerns about construction traffic and access to the site.

Newark and Sherwood District Council will have the final say on whether or not the plans are approved.