Festivalgoer Ethan Byrd-Dowd, from Ashford, in court after driving while over limit for three different drugs

A driver over the limit for three different kinds of drugs was seen swerving on the road before being arrested.

Ethan Byrd-Dowd, from Ashford, appeared in court on Thursday, where he admitted three counts of driving while above the specified drug limit.

Ethan Byrd-Dowd, from Ashford, was driving on Main Road in Fincham, Norfolk. Picture: Google

Prosecutor Colette Harper explained that on August 14 last year, police were following the black Vauxhall Astra that Byrd-Dowd was driving and noted that it kept swaying onto the other side of the road, despite HGVs approaching from the other direction.

Police also saw him rubbing his head frequently and soon pulled him over, Lynn Magistrates’ Court was told.

A breath test was carried out to see if Byrd-Dowd had been drinking, and the test came back negative.

He was arrested and taken to Lynn’s Police Investigation Centre for further tests - which revealed that Byrd-Dowd had three drugs in his system.

Byrd-Dowd appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court. Picture: Iliffe

He also had 37mcg of methylenedioxymethamphetamine - an MDMA breakdown - per litre of blood. The legal limit to drive is 20mcg.

Finally, Byrd-Dowd had 28mcg of ketamine per litre of blood. The legal limit to drive is 20mcg.

In mitigation, George Sorrell said that Byrd-Dowd had recently been to a festival, where he was offered the drugs.

“I ask myself why a respectable man finds himself in this position,” the solicitor said.

“He doesn’t recall taking ketamine. It goes to show if you’re being offered drugs in that situation, you don’t know what is going in them.

“It’s something of an isolated lapse in his character.”

Magistrates disqualified Byrd-Dowd, of Summer Leeze, Willesborough, from driving for three years.

He will also pay a fine of £576 as well as a victim surcharge of £230 and court costs of £105.