House GOP 'dreading return' to DC as MAGA 'may end' Mike Johnson's speakership: report

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Congress comes back into to session this week and the Washington Post reports that House Republicans "are dreading their return to Washington" because their caucus's "deep divisions will jeopardize high-stakes legislation in a way that may end in the ouster of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA)."

At the center of the intra-Republican feud is funding to help Ukraine resist Russia's military invasion, which is staunchly opposed by hardliners such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has openly said she'll push to oust Johnson as speaker if he puts a bill providing aid to the country on the House floor.

Johnson could likely get a big foreign aide package with money for Israel and Ukraine passed on a bipartisan basis if he bypassed the Rules Committee, which would require two-thirds of the chamber voting in favor of passage.

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But relying on Democrats could also open him up to all-out rebellion from the chamber's most far-right lawmakers, who have already been griping about Johnson's leadership for months ever since he replaced former Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) last year.

However, the Post reports that many Republicans are wary of undergoing yet another battle for the speakership so close to an election.

"Another speakership fight seven months before the elections would only further expose the chronic disarray in the House Republican Conference and the difficulty it has had in governing," notes the Post. "Many House Republicans acknowledge their inability to agree on passing anything — whether narrow messaging bills that will not become law or more substantive legislation — may harm their quest to stay in and expand their majority."

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