New study reveals the problem with wearing makeup while you exercise

You may want to start going to the gym sans makeup from now on, as a recent study highlights problems with wearing cosmetics while working out.

A lot of influencers love to show off their gym makeup routine. Most of them use it because it boosts their confidence. However, the latest survey shows the harm beauty products can do to your skin while exercising.

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Study on wearing makeup while exercising

The study titled, Influence of cosmetic foundation cream on skin condition during treadmill exercise, was published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology on March 6, 2024. The research used male and female participants aged between 23 and 26 years.

The participants were made to clean their faces with Garnier Skin Active Micellar Cleansing Water to remove excess moisture and prepare the skin for the experiment.

Then, the cosmetic foundation cream by Maybelline was applied using the foundation sponge to one side of the face, while the other remained makeup-free.

“Participant’s skin conditions at four respective areas of face (non-makeup T zone (T), makeup T zone (MT), non-makeup U zone (U), makeup U zone (MU)) were measured,” states the study.

The participants were involved in a moderate treadmill exercise for 20 minutes before the skin measurements were calculated.

The overall workout session included “5 min at a treadmill speed of 3 mph, 10 min at a speed of 4 mph, and 5 min at a speed of 5 mph to allow for an intensity of approximately 50%–70% of heart rate max.”


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It impacts negatively

At the end of the 20-minute workout session, the levels of moisture, elasticity, pores, and sebum increased across all the marked areas in the face.

However, the use of makeup showed a negative impact on the skin as the “foundation cream during aerobic exercise can reduce skin oil, causing dryness.”

Furthermore, the makeup can clog the pores and increase sebum production, which can lead to oily skin, making the pores look larger and skin greasy.

“Wearing makeup may not be recommended for people with dry skin conditions based on the results of the current study,” the conclusion reads.

The study further suggests cleansing your skin well before exercising to prevent the pores from getting clogged when you sweat.