'Berlin 1936 anyone?' Conservative shreds media's recent shrugs at Donald Trump?

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump talks to supporters during a campaign rally at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel on January 17, 2024 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Conservative Rick Wilson warned Tuesday a normalcy bias in the media could have fatal consequences for American Democracy should former President Donald Trump regain the White House.

Wilson published to substack Tuesday a new essay called "The Bothsides Argument Will Kill Us All" condemning Trump for his "winks at the alt-reich," the MAGA base who support a candidate frequently compared to a dictator, and media reporting that presents them as "normal."

"Once again, the world is playing chess, and Donald Trump is eating the pieces and c----ing on the board, and instead of horror, the reaction is a shrug," he writes. "This isn’t a regular election with typical outcomes."

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Wilson described MAGA 2.0 as the only political tribe that favors a president governing like a dictator, "backs America's enemies abroad" and vows to "hand Europe over to Vladimir Putin on a plate".

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The conservative argues too many are lost in a sleepwalk that could lead to the nation to the point of no return: authoritarianism.

"Ordinary people living ordinary lives who think politics doesn’t matter and that the world will go on as it has can’t grapple with what happens in a post-American Presidency," according to Wilson. "It seems a lot of Washington reporters can’t either."

He adds: "Normalcy bias is the best friend of authoritarians. If you think the algo-driven bubble on social media is robust, nothing tops normalcy bias."

This kind of inability to wake from the lulled "complacency" has Wilson asking if we're mirroring the rise of the Third Reich, asking: "Berlin, 1936, anyone?"

He sums up the fact that too many also think there checks and balances are going to solve these issues. And Wilson concedes, the damage is already being done even before Nov. 5.

"Once you say, 'It can't happen here,' there’s a high likelihood it’s already happening."

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