Trump's GOP is 'actively pro-Russian': Financial Times columnist

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin (Wikimedia Commons)

The Financial Times' Edward Luce thinks that the Republican Party under the leadership of Donald Trump has become something far more sinister than an isolationist party.

In his latest column, Luce argues that Republicans' refusal to supply Ukraine with needed military aid is emblematic of a party that seems to want Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion to succeed.

"The Republican right treats Ukraine as an enemy and Russia as a friend," he contends. "Defining that stance as isolationist is lazy and wrong. It is actively pro-Russian."

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To back this up, Luce points to recent statements by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has been peddling false claims about the Ukrainian government waging a war on Christianity and executing priests.

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According to Luce, these seemingly nonsensical attacks on Ukraine make more sense when you understand that the Georgia congresswoman is simply reciting propaganda coming directly out of Moscow.

"Her fictional claim that Ukraine is executing priests and fighting to spread a 'woke' agenda comes straight from the Kremlin," he writes.

Greene has been so opposed to helping Ukraine in recent weeks that she has even threatened to file a motion to vacate against House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should he put a foreign aid packages on the floor of the House that includes funds for the country.

Summing things up, Luce then points to the larger danger for Western societies should former President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly praised Putin while attacking American intelligence agencies, return to the White House.

"Historians compare Trump to Charles Lindbergh’s pro-Nazi 'America First' movement in the early 1940s," he writes. "The difference is that Lindbergh got nowhere near the White House. Far from isolating America, a Trump presidency would switch US foreign policy in Vladimir Putin’s favor."

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