Lara Trump's RNC blasts 2020 election fraud lies via voter robocall campaign: report

(Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia commons)

The Republican National Committee under its new co-chair Lara Trump is sending false claims about the 2020 election through robocalls to voters alleging "massive" voter fraud, according to a new report.

“We all know the problems. No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud that took place,” the RNC call said, according to CNN. “If Democrats have their way, your vote could be canceled out by someone who isn’t even an American citizen.”

As CNN points out, the RNC before Lara Trump was not known for regularly disseminating false claims about the 2020 election.

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"The claim of 'massive fraud' in the 2020 election marks a significant shift in messaging for the RNC," the report states, "because lies about the 2020 election had not been a consistent theme in its messaging since Donald Trump left office."

Lara Trump, however, has a long history of regurgitating Donald Trump's claims of election fraud. She is the wife of Donald Trump's youngest son, Eric.

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“I’m sure you agree with co-chair Trump that we cannot allow the chaos and questions of the 2020 election to ever happen again,” said the call.

According to previous reports, entire teams were informed by email that they could reapply for their jobs or else be terminated after Lara Trump's appointment as co-chair.

In their subsequent job interviews, staffers were reportedly asked questions such as whether they thought the 2020 election was stolen.

Critics of Lara Trump's leadership blame the new co-chair for a "brain drain" at the RNC.

According to CNN, neither the RNC nor Lara Trump responded to multiple requests from the news outlet for comment.

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