Expert tears apart Fox News' Maria Bartiromo over latest claim about Trump criminal case

Maria Bartiromo. (Jacqueline Zaccor/Flickr)

Fox News' Maria Bartiromo wants Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) to fire Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for prosecuting former President Donald Trump in the hush money case due to start in just a few days.

But that's an absurd demand, legal expert Lisa Rubin told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Wednesday evening.

"I can't imagine what the presidential act would be of writing your lawyer a reimbursement check because you paid off your porn star person you had an affair with, but I won't try to make my mind go there," said Reid. "Maria Bartiromo has a new solution for Donald Trump."

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She played a clip on Fox Business of Bartiromo, who previously played a key role in spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, discussing the Trump case with New York Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney.

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"Why hasn't she fired this guy?" said Tenney. "She could easily do that. And he's attacked, going after innocent citizens, law-abiding citizens in New York instead of protecting us. And this is exactly — this malicious prosecution is what we face everyday."

"And that's what the NYPD keeps telling us about recidivism," said Bartiromo. "Why, Governor Kathy Hochul, are you allowing recidivism, why are you not firing Alvin Bragg for allowing criminals to keep doing it over and over again? We would like an answer. I'll call your office today, Kathy Hochul. I'd love an answer." (The idea that New York's bail reform, which was enacted at the state level and not by Bragg, triggered an epidemic of "recidivism" among criminals has been repeatedly debunked.)

"Okay. Maria Bartiromo is going to demand the governor ... fire [Bragg]," said Reid.

"Yeah," said Rubin. "The Manhattan district attorney is duly elected official. He actually faced many opponents in the Democratic primary when he was first running for election. I'd like to think that there are many New Yorkers who would think that calling Kathy Hochul and calling for Alvin Bragg's removal would itself be election interference, about this case that is about election interference and not about a porn star and her formed affair with the president."

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Lisa Rubin shoots down Maria Bartiromo's demand Alvin Bragg be fired

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