'Open the door': The Esk reacts after developments involving potential new Everton owners 777 Partners

There is simply never a dull day with Everton, and even during a quiet midweek with no game to be played on the weekend, some fresh controversy emerges.

This was penned down to be a quiet and contemplative nine days in between fixtures, seeking to take their win against Burnley and translate that into Monday’s trip to Chelsea.

However, as has been the case all season, the headlines have once again been stolen by the club’s off-pitch antics.

777 Partners, unsurprisingly, are at the forefront.

The Esk sends message to Farhad Moshiri

The Esk has never been a fan of 777 Partners, and has made that stance quite clear throughout this entire process.

Often accused of peddling negativity with unrelenting consistency, his investigative work throughout this takeover has been admirable, albeit somewhat overwhelming at times.

Photo by Visionhaus/Getty Images

After all, he has shown his cards, and alongside a few other journalists, their mobilisation to discredit the firm has been quite forthright.

So, it should come as no surprise that Paul Quinn, the writer and finance guru who sits behind that aforementioned moniker on X, has now sent a message to Farhad Moshiri following this latest takeover development.

He would write: ‘This can only be viewed as an admission by 777 that they do not possess the funding or are likely to achieve the funding to acquire Everton & satisfy @premierleague requirements.’

‘As I have said for a long time Moshiri has to open the door to credible alternative investors.’

777 Partners have Everton takeover taken out of their hands

Well, after this latest development, no longer will the Miami-based firm have the takeover decision in their hands.

In fact, it is their failure to repay MSP’s loan, and their desperate attempts to delay the provide those funds, which have completely shifted the dynamic in this saga.

Having seemingly been confident of adhering to the Premier League’s four conditions, of which had they been met they would have been handed their sought-after approval, it begs the question: what went wrong?

After all, this is just one of those four stipulations, and now it is MSP who holds all the cards regarding the takeover.

Should they grant 777 Partners their extension, we kick the can down the road and continue in much the same way as we have done all season.

Photo by Robbie Jay Barratt – AMA/Getty Images

However, should they deny their plea, then things will get interesting.

After all, two of the frontmen for this operation, Evertonians Andy Bell and George Downing, will then get the opportunity to convert those £160m loans into equity, thus offering them the opportunity to take over at the club at the eleventh hour.

Who knew a takeover race could arguably provide more drama than the football itself?