Alex Jones says he'll sue CIA after unverified video suggests attempts to entrap him

Infowars host Alex Jones. (Screenshot)

Conspiracy theorist and right-wing radio host Alex Jones claims he going to sue the CIA and FBI after claims that footage from a hidden camera suggested the agencies were trying to entrap him.

A group called Sound Investigations, which claims to look at corruption in adult industries, shared what it said was secretly-recorded footage showing conversations with a man who claimed to be a CIA contractor and said he was trying to goad Jones into illegal activities.

The video is completely unverified and it's not known who the man actually is.

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But that didn't stop Jones from venting fury.

"You can kinda put anyone in jail if you know what to do," the man in the video is seen telling somebody that Sound Investigations says is an undercover reporter in the clip. "You set 'em up."

The man went on to say that, "You create the situation where they have no choice but to act on their impulse, and once they act on that impulse, some would call that entrapment."

The FBI explains on its website that the CIA doesn't have a law enforcement function. Rather, the CIA gathers information on foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. Its website says the CIA doesn't spy on American citizens.

Still, Newsweek reports Alex Jones is going to sue the CIA, though it's unclear what law he's alleging they broke.

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The man is seen in several videos. However, a search for his name and matching photo shows a deleted LinkedIn account.

Jones teased a lawsuit earlier this week, but appears to be making it official, the report said.

Jones told a right-wing host that the man in the video should be subpoenaed by Congress.

"I am planning to launch a lawsuit against the CIA and the FBI," Jones then said. "We have to bring all this out and right as my bankruptcy comes to a close and right as all this stuff is being finalized. It's really God working here that this came out at this time."

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