Ex-judge puts Trump on notice that delay tactics are done: 'Rabbits are out of that hat'

US President Donald Trump at a press conference in the East Room of the White House, October 2, 2019. (AFP / Saul Loeb)

Former President Donald Trump has completely exhausted every option to delay the Manhattan hush money trial any further, retired judge Diane Kiesel told MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Thursday evening.

This comes after Trump lost three separate bids this week to delay the trial, which is scheduled to begin jury selection on Monday.

"Diane, you served as a judge 25 years on the same bench that Judge Merchan is," said Hayes. "So with these increasingly ridiculous Hail Marys, do you think this will happen?"

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"I think the case will go forward," said Kiesel. "I think all the rabbits are out of the hat at this point. I think jury selection will begin, a group of citizens of New York County will be brought into the room, and the questioning will begin."

"Have you ever had to — there is nothing quite like this. This is in a category of its own," Hayes swiftly corrected himself. "But I wonder if you have insight into managing both the jury selection process with such a well-known case, which presents complications, and with a particularly vexatious and litigious individual before the bench with the resources to do the kind of badgering lawyering that Donald Trump is known for."

"Well, Mr. Trump is in a category all his own, but I did preside over the Anna Delvey fraud case," said Kiesel. "That was a huge media event. There were wall-to-wall cameras every day, and it puts a lot of pressure on the judge. Because your concern is, you do not want to have any demeanor that is any different than it would be if there are four people sitting in that room. And your concern is also that you want to get it right and be fair and impartial. That's a lot on your plate when you're in that situation."

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Diane Kiesel says Trump is out of delays www.youtube.com

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