67% of Americans have needed to visit the ER after choking on common dinner food

A study revealed that several Americans had to make emergency visits to the hospital after choking on a food item commonly found in dinner.

You must always watch what you eat – for your brain and going by the research, for your esophagus too.

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Fishbone is a common choking hazard among Americans

A study published in the National Library of Medicine in December 2023 revealed that about 67% of patients admitted to experiencing a medical emergency after choking on a fishbone.

The research studied people from the United States of different age groups ranging from 1 to 88 years to understand the factors that caused them to choke at some point in life.

The paper aimed to spread awareness of common choking hazards as prevention is essential to avoid life-threatening situations.

“Prevention is the first tool to reduce the occurrence of this event, therefore it is necessary to analyze the risk factors and educate the population to eliminate them,” the study notes.

Choking on fish bones is a common occurrence, which can be avoided by removing the bones before cooking or picking them carefully while eating.

In some instances, the fishbone passes through your esophagus upon being swallowed without causing much damage. However, medical intervention is a must if you notice traces of blood or find it difficult to breathe.

Other common items people choke on

The study further found that about 9% of the respondents reported having choked on meat bones, followed by 3% on artichokes.

The research extended to non-edible things too and you wouldn’t guess what’s the most commonly swallowed thing that isn’t meant to be eaten.

“Three relevant non-food choking elements reported were: orthodontic items, toothpicks, and pins,” states the study.

Choking accidents are especially common among children and elderly people. It is of utmost importance to supervise them when they are eating and keep possible choking hazards such as candies, toys, pills, and more away from their reach.