GOP thinks it's found secret sauce to convince Trump fans to vote by mail

Trump supporters at Stop the Steal rally outside Minnesota State Capitol. (Photo credit: Chad Davis)

Republicans are hoping to persuade Donald Trump supporters to embrace mail-in voting without raising the ex-president's ire, and a source says they may have found a workaround.

The former president believes mail-in voting is inherently fraudulent and has called for its abolishment, but sources told The Guardian that his own campaign knows that "banking" votes early is the most effective and efficient way to turn out their base – if they can overcome Trump's fearmongering.

"In essence, the Trump campaign has the delicate task of persuading Republican voters to participate in early voting methods that Trump has falsely said were the reason why there was rampant fraud in the 2020 election that meant he lost to Joe Biden," the publication reported.

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Mail-in voting was popular with both Democrats and Republicans until 2020, but a recent poll found only 28 percent of Republicans support any voter to cast a ballot by mail, compared to 84 percent of Democrats.

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Furthermore, GOP strategists have warned the Trump campaign that aggressive early voting operations are necessary to win battleground states like Arizona and Georgia.

The Trump campaign is stepping up efforts to convince Republicans to cast ballots early with an advertising blitz and programs like Turning Points USA's "Chase the Vote" program, and they believe they might have found an effective pitch to MAGA voters.

"The pitch to Republican voters will always be hobbled by Trump’s own remarks, one of the sources conceded, and may have to make the false argument that the only way to combat Democratic cheating is to cheat themselves – even if the premise of the argument itself was false," The Guardian reported.

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