Over 1,000 Ukrainians held captive in Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhya - governor Fedorov

Items from a torture chamber in de-occupied Kherson, photo November 2022

"Details on each captive are scarce, as the occupiers often hide their identities and locations," Fedorov explained. "What we do know usually comes from the detainees' families, friends, or through individuals navigating Russia's dubious administrative setups in these territories."

Amidst these troubling circumstances, Fedorov highlighted the intensification of "filtration" actions and forced conscription by Russian forces. He advised Ukrainians in the occupied areas to consider evacuation routes through Crimea or other designated checkpoints like Kolotylivka, Berdyansk, Mariupol, and Novoazovsk, aiming for safe havens in EU countries or Georgia, despite the inherent risks of these journeys.

On March 18, the tenth anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea, Amnesty International highlighted Russia's severe restrictions on freedom of religion and belief, media activity and education during its decade-long occupation of the peninsula.

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Section: Nation

Author: Андрій Журба