SBU nabs Kharkiv Oblast resident for aiding Russian abductions during occupation

Resident of Kharkiv Oblast is suspected of aiding the aggressor state

During the occupation of the village, he helped Russians abduct residents.

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According to the case file, during the occupation of the village, the suspect "guided" Russians to the homes of Ukrainian patriots and their relatives. He primarily turned in the families of former military personnel and law enforcement officials, SBU noted.

Following his instructions, the occupation authorities broke into people's homes and, threatening them with execution, took them to a Russian torture chamber. During such "raids", the invaders, together with the suspect, also looted locals’ homes.

After the de-occupation of the region, the suspect stayed in the village, almost never left the house and tried to "lay low".

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The man has now been detained and taken into custody. He was charged with aiding the aggressor state (Part 1 of Article 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The maximum sentence under this article is up to 12 years in prison.

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Section: Nation

Author: Богуслав Романенко