'Pathetic and unAmerican': Liz Cheney goes on attack against 'Moscow Marge' Taylor Greene

Liz Cheney (Photo by Oliver Douliery for AFP)

Liz Cheney unleashed an attack Friday against Marjorie Taylor Greene for what she suggested was parroting Kremlin propaganda.

In an interview with the far-right streaming station "Real American Voices," Greene claimed there was no genuine concern that Russia's President Vladimir Putin had plans to invade the rest of Europe if he took over Ukraine.

She used the interview to repeat her criticism of U.S. funding for Putin's war.

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"I mean, I seriously hate them for doing this to the American people," Greene said of lawmakers defending the funding. "And paying for the murder and slaughter of the people in Ukraine.

"Vladimir Putin has not said that he wants to go march across Europe and take Europe," Greene continued. "And the reality is that Ukraine is not even a NATO member nation."

She went on to claim that the Secretary of Defense wants to send American troops into Ukraine.

Greene explained, "That is the only country that, for some sick, weird, and evil reason, that they care about."

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who is an outpoken opponent of Trump and the MAGA wing of the GOP, trashed Greene, saying that she is repeating Putin propaganda.

"Once again, Moscow Marge is busy deploying her Kremlin talking points. Is she a useful idiot or is she intentionally spreading Putin’s lies?" Cheney asked. "Either way, it’s pathetic and unAmerican."

Cheney drew GOP foes after helping oversee the committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack and was then removed from her leadership post and voted out of office.

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